Tuesday, January 12, 2016

DeKalb County Governance Transparency Dealt a Blow with Auditor Removal

Harmel Codi, recently a candidate for Commissioner of DeKalb County District 5, was the center of attention at the Legislative Town Hall meeting on Thursday, January 7, 2015.  Ms. Codi, who was recently selected to be a member of the oversight committee that will review candidates for the position of independent internal auditor for DeKalb County has now been removed from the committee.

The independent Auditor position came about largely as a result of Blueprint DeKalb's efforts to create more fiscal oversight and better governance in DeKalb County. The GA State Assembly approved HB599 which called for several actions to improve governance in DeKalb County.  The removal of Ms. Codi gives the appearance of a political taint to Ms. Codi's removal. Thus, even as efforts are made to restore integrity and transparency to DeKalb County, it seems there are efforts to combat them.

It should be noted that the Charter of proposed Greenhaven has most of the good governance measures called for by Blueprint DeKalb and others including an independent auditor, 2 term limits, citizen appointments to the Ethics Board and Citizen Review Board, and leadership that lives within city limits.  This is all apart from the citizen participation component - Community Area Planning Units. 

Despite offering what almost everyone is saying they want to see, the residents of Greenhaven risk not even getting the opportunity to have these measures because we are being denied the right to vote for cityhood in a public referendum.  Call your legislators and tell them, "Don't deny us the right to vote." 


  1. Ms. Codi's removal and the legal challenge to the new ethics committee's ability to even get organized points out more of the institutionalized dysfunction in the county... and politicians nullify the intent of their vote by their political maneuvers! Rather than be frustrated by their business as usual and status quo politics, NOW is the time that we reset the dynamics and START OVER!

    That reset would require the Dekalb delegation to the current Legislative session stand up and demand that the rights of south Dekalb citizens NOT BE DENIED! Anything less than their complete support of the Greenhaven referendum being passed by the House & Senate and signed by the Governor will result in their being aligned with those elements in the county that would deny our right to vote. Dekalb delegation... DON'T DENY OUR RIGHT TO VOTE! Don't be distracted by the arguments being proffered that will mask the real issue which is our right to vote. DON'T DENY OUR RIGHT TO VOTE or be a party to anyone else doing so.

  2. Oh, baloney. It isn't denying anyone the right to vote.....Greenhaven denied ALL OF US input from it's inception. The SS Greenhaven is sinking fast. People at the annexation meeting hated Greenhaven more than the idea of annexation. You won't win this one, and now that the public is educated; if you try and come back for us in the future- we will defeat you. Again.

    1. How were you denied input? We've had over 150 meetings across south DeKalb for citizen input. The big picture is not about either wanting or opposing Greenhaven, the main point is that like all the other recently incorporated areas and the other cityhood initiatives, CCCSD followed the requirements set forth by the state. You and anyone else that opposes and those who are in favor this are being denied the right to vote on this. Just as you say the people at the annexation meeting hated Greenhaven, the several meetings I've attended, had most in favor of Greenhaven.

  3. Ref the Town Hall Forum today (Jan. 30th) hosted by Senator Gail Davenport and Representative Pam Stephenson. Thanks to both of you for your service generally and specifically on behalf of the citizens of Dekalb county to participate in the political process by facilitating our right to VOTE.
    In regards to the other Dekalb delegates that did NOT choose to attend and/or who do NOT support Dekalb voters' RIGHT to VOTE (you know who you are as will the rest of YOUR electorate), sadly it seems as though you need reminding that you are in the position you are in BECAUSE people VOTED for you! You were elected to SERVE not as an "Imperial Politician" where you SUBSTITUTE your personal opinion over that of your constituents. Instead, when your constituents hold opposing views you let them "settle it" at the ballot box i.e. VOTE!
    We ABSOLUTELY believe you SHOULD have a personal opinion about the Greenhaven referendum, especially if you live in the affected area, and we as strongly believe there should NOT BE ANY RESTRICTIONS placed on the expression of that personal opinion (whatever it is) by VOTING!
    We understand that political activity (such as your support for or opposition to an issue) is either done transparently or it is subject to misinterpretation. Your observed BEHAVIOR is the only true measure of what you can be judged on and be held accountable for.
    Therefore, we want to make it simple! We understand that it is necessary for a bill to be "carried" by it's principal sponsor and co-sponsors. We are asking each of you, regardless of your position in the past on other cityhood referendums, to join with your other colleagues in the House AND the Senate and as the Dekalb County Delegation UNANIMOUSLY "carry" HB 613 & SB 221 through their committee reviews... with a unanimous delegate recommendation for a FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION out of committee... to a successful floor vote... and be present when the Governor signs the bill giving us our right to VOTE!! Anything less will put you on the wrong side of history and with those that would attempt to undermine and marginalize our RIGHT TO VOTE! YOU don't want that to be part of YOUR legacy as one who has directly benefited from the right of citizens to VOTE!
    Know that we are now watching to see what you DO! We ask respectfully and politely... DO NOT DENY OUR RIGHT TO VOTE!
